I close my eyes and I see myself holding my glass of golden-like white wine; it’s New Year’s Eve and my fingertips softly touch the wet surface of the grapes. Although I don't believe in luck or magic, I'm fond of this tradition; for a moment I think of everything I want from me.
“This is going to be the year” I remember thinking. Going forward.

The year is not over for me to start counting the things I’ve earned and the ones I’ve lost. But it does feel closer.

A few months ago I started looking for agencies to do my professional practices; at first without the certainty of the exact thing I wanted photography in my life to be.

I found an agency based in Mexico City, primarily because they represent a photographer I very much respect. I sent an email, and two days later had the first interview via skype.

Summer vacations ended and I moved back to the city, although this time was different.

As I have not decided yet what to do with my studies at university, I arranged half of the week to work and the other half to study. From Sunday to early Wednesday you will find me in the capital, as now I’m production assistant of X; the rest of the week I’m studying in a near state, two hours and a half from Mexico city. 

I must confess I find it exciting, I feel that I’m doing something that matters, something I stop feeling at five semester of university (a year ago). I feel that I’m closer to the Irene I want to become.
A lot of things have happened since my last blogpost, and even if I intended to cover them all, I could not possibly do it.

So I'm going to start where I work for.

our office

view from our new extended office (ready in a month!)

a dog taking a bath in a park

I have many many unpublished pictures that I will be uploading the next couple of days, editorials in my hometown with two different designers, and two other spontaneous photoshoots with my sister and friend.

It was my birthday on tuesday, I turned twenty two, for real. 

the gift my boss gave me : )

I'm not so sure, but it seems to say "Conserva por siempre ese afán por la fotografía, la vida es una imagen" - preserve forever the desire for photography, life is a image.

portrait I took yesterday

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